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Strengthen strategic positioning of brand culture and enhance the market value of enterprise brand — Huabao management and other relevant personnel participated in the special training on corporate brand culture construction


On May 26, the “special training on corporate brand culture construction” was held at the Beijing-Shanghai Hall of Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park. The training was held offline and online. Mr. XIA Liqun, BOD Chairman of Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (“Huabao” or “Company”), and Ms. YUAN Xiaoqin, BOD director and President of Huabao, led the Company’s management team and staff related to brand culture management to participate in the training. The special training was delivered by XIONG Wen, president of Hunan Fine Taste Biological Technology Development Group Co., Ltd. (“Fine Taste Biological”), an enterprise invested by Huabao.

Ms. XIONG first guided the on-site participants to form a conceptual and systematic cognition of brand culture through four mind maps and the analysis of Fine Taste Biological’s brand culture construction. Then, Ms. XIONG made a special explanation of corporate brand culture respectively in the aspects, including “brand culture consciousness comes from high attention of the leadership and active participation of all staff”, “brand culture can realize the core competitiveness+ differentiated competitiveness of enterprises”, “the external communication function and internal activation function of brand culture”.

Brand culture refers to giving the brand a deep and rich cultural connotation, establishing distinct brand positioning, and making full use of a variety of strong and effective internal and external communication channels to form a high degree of consumer recognition of the brand in spirit, creating brand belief, and ultimately forming strong brand loyalty. Brand culture is the cultural accumulation gradually formed in the management of a brand, representing the benefit cognition and emotion belonging of enterprises and consumers. It is the sum of brand and traditional culture and corporate personality image. Enterprises can strengthen brand power and enhance the brand value of products through brand culture, so as to seek more commercial value.

At the end of the training, Ms. YUAN, in her concluding speech, first thanked Ms. XIONG for her sharing, and shared Huabao’s brand construction road with colleagues present in person and online, affirming the achievements and pointing out the shortcomings and gaps. Ms. YUAN said, “As a B-end enterprise, Huabao has been trying and exploring in the construction of brand culture. In the 1990s, Huabao brand logo was designed. In 2008, Huabao brand VI handbook was designed. In 2020, the brand VI handbook was optimized and upgraded to strengthen the Company’s industry cluster concept. We have made many efforts to accumulate the Company’s brand culture and build the Company’s brand image through the way of ‘running fast with small steps’. However, as an enterprise that constantly pursues innovation and progress, we must realize that there is still a certain gap compared with the outstanding enterprises in the industry. With the acceleration of the pace of ‘going global’ by the Company, especially the continuous acceleration of the international layout and the global business process in recent years, there were new and higher requirements made for the construction of brand culture. How do we perform well in brand construction enabling business development, especially in international business development? It’s a question we must think about, and we must come up with answers and strategies. Huabao has grown into a group company. We should upgrade our brand construction from the previous ‘running fast with small steps’ model of to a strategic height, attach importance to the construction of brand value, and formulate implementation strategies, so as to achieve the purpose of winning not only market value, but also brand value.”

In recent years, Mr. XIA has constantly stressed the importance of corporate culture construction at various meetings of the Company. Looking at well-known enterprises at home and abroad, they all have one thing in common: the excellent, up-to-date, and unique corporate culture connotation and taking this as the core to create brand culture extension featured by strong attraction, empathy, and leading effect. Now that we have started, we must continue. In the Company’s road of transformation and “going global”, Huabao people will proceed without hesitation. Although the process is full of opportunities and challenges, we must adhere to the pragmatic spirit and implement every strategic plan of the company, so as to promote the better development of the enterprise. It is believed that this training will arouse the resonance of Huabao people for brand culture construction and a new round of discussion. All of us at Huabao will work together to create a “green, nutritious, and healthy” Huabao brand image, and well tell the story of Huabao.

