News Detail

Flavor Your Life

Shanghai Institute of Technology Organized Students to Carry out Cognition Practice at Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park


On July 1, the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrated its centennial birthday. On such a special and ceremonious day, Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park also welcomed a group of young faces, who are Class 2020 students from Shanghai Institute of Technology (SIT) majoring in perfume and aroma technology and engineering. They came to Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co.,Ltd. (“Huabao” or the “Company”) under the leadership of their teachers to carry out a cognition practice.

The Company has been maintaining a good university-enterprise cooperation relationship with SIT, and has dispatched its perfumers to SIT for a one-year off-job study. The Company has also undertaken the cognition practice of SIT students majoring in perfume and aroma technology and engineering for many years. Our Human Resource and Administration Department made meticulous organization and serious arrangement for this year’s cognition practice. They made reasonable arrangement of the visit route, and specially assigned a person responsible for the explanation. Led by colleagues from our Human Resource and Administration Department, the students visited the Company’s R&D building to learn the research and development situation on site, visited our Shanghai Industrial Park and exhibition hall, and listened to the introduction of the Company to understand its development history. Ms. CHEN Jing, Director of Huabao Human Resource and Administration Department and Chairman of the Trade Union Federation of Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park, specially came to the site and welcomed the teachers and students to visit and study at Huabao. Ms. CHEN introduced the long-term friendly and cooperative relationship between the Company and SIT, encouraged the students to study hard, and looked forward to working with the students present at the site in a few years for new development of Huabao.

The short cognition practice was soon over. The students set foot on the return bus with blessings from Huabao people and hopes for the future. We sincerely wish them success in their studies and a bright future! We look forward to working with them in Huabao for new development in a few years.
