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Ensuring Production Safety | Jiangxi H&K Carried out Fire Emergency Drill


In order to effectively strengthen its daily safety management, improve the safety and fire protection competency as well as safety prevention and self-rescue ability of employees, consolidate the application ability of fire-fighting facilities and equipment, and check the coping ability and coordination degree of the safety management personnel at all levels to deal with emergencies, so as to effectively prevent accidents and minimize losses, Jiangxi H&K, with the active cooperation of all employees, successfully carried out a fire emergency drill on November 22, 2023.

In order to ensure the smooth development of the drill, Jiangxi H&K set up an Emergency Rescue Organization of four action teams (the Communication Liaison Team, the Safety Warning Team, the Firefighting Team and the Medical Rescue Team), with SHAO Jun, General Manager of Jiangxi H&K, as the leader. They prepared fire source, fire extinguisher, fire water bag and other related items and props, and developed a detailed fire drill activity plan, in which the responsibilities of each responsible persons were specified.

The drill was divided into six stages: alarm, evacuation and rescue, organization of firefighting, safety warning, medical rescue, and summary of the effect of the fire drill. Each stage was carried out in an orderly manner, and each action team was tightly organized and acted quickly to ensure that each link was carried out smoothly. Under the leadership of the Emergency Rescue Organization, the drill achieved the expected effect and harvested a complete success.

Jiangxi H&K has been always regards safety work as the top priority of the production work. In order to guarantee rapid, orderly, timely and effective emergency action, Jiangxi H&K will continue to carry out fire emergency plan training and drill, enhance the emergency rescue skills of all staff, improve the comprehensive quality of emergency response, effectively reduce accident hazards and losses, and strive to achieve zero accidents, so as to ensure the safe, healthy and orderly development of the Company.
