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Tenzin Nyima, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone, Visited Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park for Investigation


The rain in Autumn brings coolness and welcomes guests from far away. They came to Shanghai from Lhasa, with their concern and support for the development of the enterprise, as well as the boundless dreams and expectations for the future of government-enterprise cooperation.

On the morning of September 15, 2023, Tenzin Nyima, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone in Tibet, and his delegation visited Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park for investigation. Ms. YUAN Xiaoqin, President and member of the Board of Directors of Huabao, Mr. ZHANG Jie, Vice-President and CFO of Huabao, and Mr. YANG Cheng, Assistant President of Huabao, warmly received the delegation.

Ms. YUAN first accompanied the delegation to visit the Company’s Exhibition Hall; then, she introduced the overall situation, global layout, development course and business development of Huabao. At the Company’s product display area, Ms. YUAN introduced the food ingredient “highland barley Popping Boba” products of the Company to the delegation. The highland barley inside is selected from high-quality highland barley in Shigatse, Tibet. Through technological innovation, Huabao has explored a new way to eat for highland barley, a traditional grain crop in Tibet, which has enhanced the value of highland barley, effectively increased the income of farmers in Tibet, and promoted the construction of beautiful countryside. Moreover, the Company has been actively carrying out research on Tibetan medicinal materials such as plains coreopsis, saffron crocus and caraway, and striving to bring more beautiful and healthier products to people, which is also in line with Huabao’s mission of providing “green, healthy, nutritious” products. After listening to the introduction, Tenzin Nyima affirmed that the development and innovation of Huabao have brought changes to the income and life of the people in Tibet.

At the subsequent symposium, Ms. YUAN, on behalf of the Company, once again warmly welcomed the delegation for their visit and guidance. Ms. YUAN said in her speech, “This year marks the 7th year that Huabao has settled in Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone. In the past 7 years, the development of Huabao cannot be separated from the care and support of various departments and leaderships of Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone. We feel deeply grateful for the help and guidance you have provided when Huabao encounters difficulties. As an enterprise in Lhasa Economic and Technological Development Zone, Huabao has the obligation and responsibility to take the lead in economic development, especially in the ‘post-epidemic era’, play a leading and exemplary role, carry forward the plateau spirit, and strengthen confidence in development. In the future, we will further integrate Tibetan elements and Tibetan characteristics through the Huabao’s business globalization strategy and Huabao International Intelligent Innovation Platform, thus to bring the new Tibetan brand ‘the Third Pole on Earth’ to the world.”

Tenzin Nyima said in his speech, “The achievements made by Huabao since its establishment are obvious to all, especially we highly recognize and are deeply grateful for the contribution Huabao has made to the economy and society of Tibet after its relocation to Tibet. Through what we have seen and heard during this visit, we are pleased to see that Huabao’s global business is growing vigorously, and Huabao International Intelligent Innovation Platform has begun to take shape and achieved remarkable results. Meanwhile, we are pleased to see that Huabao’s products present Tibetan characteristics, which fully demonstrates the pragmatic attitude and forward-looking vision of the management layer. Because of its unique location advantages, Tibet enjoys many unique resources in the world. We hope that Huabao can combine its own industrial situation, take advantage of its scientific and technological innovation and international layout advantages, and better help Tibet transform its resource advantages into industrial advantages and industrial advantages into economic advantages. The Economic and Technological Development Zone will spare no effort to well serve the Company, pave the way and build a good bridge for the long-term and steady development of the Company in the Zone.”

The two sides also exchanged views and in-depth discussions on how to better cultivate business in Tibet in the future, promote the rapid development of the Company, and facilitate regional economic and social construction.

After the symposium, they took a group photo in the hall.

