News Detail

Flavor Your Life

We Are Taking Actions to Fight against the COVID-19!


In June 2021, the second wave of the COVID-19 suddenly swept Guangzhou like a thunder.

In order to quickly identify and block the source of the outbreak, Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government made rapid study and judgment from the first confirmed case, decidedly issued an emergency response policy for pandemic prevention, put the medium- and high-risk areas under lockdown and closed and controlled pandemic-affected areas. At the same time, people in the whole city were organized to accept emergency nucleic acid test, and race against time to fight the pandemic. At the moment of nationwide fight against the COVID-19, Guangzhou does not shut down, and everything there runs in an orderly way instead.

Time is life, and the pandemic is the order. On the night of June 7, the Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government announced that all 860,000 people in Huangpu District, where Owada Flavours Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (“Guangzhou Owada” or the “Company”) is located, would be tested within one day. Due to the tight schedule, heavy task and short-handed manpower, the Government staff issued a call for the urgent need of volunteer support that night. The Company’s staff acted from a strong sense of duty and actively responded to the Government’s call. They rapidly established a “four-member volunteer team” and arrived at the anti-pandemic position punctually at 8 o’clock the next morning. Dressed in protective clothing and armed to the teeth, they charged forward, regardless of personal gains and losses, and regardless of the intense heat. Although sweat had wet through their clothes countless times, they still performed their duties in an orderly manner and did their part in various volunteer services, thus making their contributions to the pandemic prevention and control and building a security barrier for this battle against the COVID-19.

By the time the tasks were finished at 20 p.m., the members of the volunteer team were already exhausted, with voice hoarse. But they still said in high spirits that the pandemic prevention and control is not only a matter for countries, communities and organizations, but also for individuals. It is very worthwhile to make personal contributions to pandemic prevention and fight as well as protection of our homes.

In the fight against the COVID-19, Guangzhou Owada provided active cooperation, made meticulous organization, responded to the call of the Government, and participated in the anti-pandemic volunteer activities, which fully demonstrated the spirit of responsibility and dedication of Huabao people, as well as the social responsibility and responsibility shown by each person.

We worked as one to fight against the pandemic. As long as we make concerted efforts to prevent and control the pandemic in a scientific and precise way, we will be able to win the battle against the pandemic.

Guangzhou is bound to win the battle against the pandemic!

