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Flavor Your Life

Reaping Benefits of Core Tech


——A Story about Huabao Award Winner Lin Jialiang

Lin Jialiang, who joined Huabao Flavors & Fragrances in August 2017, is a senior engineer from Business Admin & Info Dept. His job responsibilities include: ERP-related projects, smooth functioning of existing IT systems, analysis of the rationality and value of new need and smooth project implementation based on ERP design blueprint.

Since joining the company three years ago, with great expertise, down-to-earth approach, an inquisitive mind, he has taken the initiative to solve IT-related problems, provide convenient and practical IT solutions and ensure smooth functioning of IT systems. On major projects, he is willing to take on difficult but important tasks.

With excellent performance, Mr. Lin won 2020 Huabao Award For Individuals. The company’s business development means higher requirement for cross-dept cooperation, data management and work efficiency, leading to need for better IT application.

The key to building a digital system is demand analysis. System structure planning and design are based on full survey before development and implementation. On every project, he spent a lot of time on demand analysis, survey and system structure planning. In his view, all the analysis, including demand analysis, is based on survey, which is the basis for designing a system structure that meets present and future demand. Other colleagues then will develop, test, optimize and deliver the system.

In 2020, Mr. Lin and his team helped Xiamen Amber Daily Chemical Technology Co., Ltd create a marketing platform that connects OA and ERP, enabling information sharing of the two systems and increasing efficiency. The project was launched in April 2020. Mr. Lin did demand analysis and OA administrator Zhang Weiqi developed the system. The project was independently developed and delivered(4 months), saving outsourcing cost and reducing maintenance cost.

Mr. Lin(left) talks about automatic feeding system with Ye Hong(right), Deputy Director of Business Admin & Info Dept

Mr. Lin also participated in the automatic feeding project for Jiangxi H&K, working overtime for over one month under the leadership of Ye Hong. When the system becomes operational, it will boost efficiency and productivity, reduce cost(vendor cost, maintenance cost, etc.), and make it easy to integrate with other systems.

In 2020, the company started to build a budget management system, a key digital transformation project. The leadership paid great attention to this project and it had tight schedule. Mr. Lin and his team worked overtime for 2 months, doing communication with vendor among other work, and the system went live as scheduled.

In the conversation with Mr. Lin, he often emphasized that not all the projects need vendors and they are not necessarily better than us. Our biggest advantage is we know the company and need better so projects can be fast implemented. Independent development means we have the core technologies and this reduces cost and reliance on vendors for maintenance.

With an inquisitive mind and hard work, no problems cannot be solved. Huabao provides capable and resourceful people with a good platform. Mr. Lin and his team represents the spirits of innovation, pragmatism, loyalty and cooperation. When everyone is proactive at work and does their part well, the company will prosper.
