News Detail

Flavor Your Life

Apei Jinyuan, Vice Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Committee of the CPPCC, Chairman of Tibet Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Tibet General Chamber of Commerce, and his party visit Huabao Shanghai Park for survey and inspection


On the afternoon of September 24, Apei Jinyuan, Vice Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Committee of the CPPCC, Chairman of Tibet Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Tibet General Chamber of Commerce, YANG Zhonghua, Director of Shanghai Office of Tibet Autonomous Region, LU Hongjun, Member of the Leading Party Group and Vice Chairman of Tibet Federation of Industry and Commerce, and other leaders visited Huabao Shanghai Park for survey and inspection. Ms. YUAN Xiaoqin, Director and President of Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (“Huabao” or the “Company”), Mr. HU Wei, Huabao Vice President and Secretary of the Board of Directors and Mr. WANG Dehua, Huabao Chief Financial Officer and other company leaders warmly received Chairman Apei Jinyuan and his party.

At the survey symposium, President YUAN Xiaoqin first extended a warm welcome on behalf of the Company to Chairman Apei Jinyuan and his party for their visit to Huabao for survey and inspection. In her speech, President YUAN briefly reviewed the process of Huabao’s relocation to Lhasa, Tibet in 2016, further expressed her gratitude to the government departments at all levels of the Tibet Autonomous Region for their strong support and assistances in Huabao’s relocation, and stated that the Company would earnestly perform the obligations of a listed company and make its due contributions to the economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood in Tibet.

In his speech, Chairman Apei Jinyuan recognized the achievements made by Huabao in its development process for more than two decades, and stated that the governments at all levels of the Tibet Autonomous Region would continue to provide various services and support for the Company’s development as always. In addition, he expressed the hope that Huabao can grow bigger and stronger and contribute more to the development of Tibet.

Subsequently, Mr. YANG Cheng, Huabao’s Assistant to President and Lhasa Huabao’s General Manager, shared the Company’s condition with the participating leaders, especially the tax contribution and targeted poverty alleviation work of Huabao in Tibet.

At the end of the survey symposium, Chairman Apei Jinyuan and his party accompanied by President YUAN and other company leaders visited the showroom of Huabao.

Symposium scene

Apei Jinyuan, Vice Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region Committee of the CPPCC, Chairman of Tibet Federation of Industry and Commerce and Chairman of Tibet General Chamber of Commerce

Ms. YUAN Xiaoqin, Huabao Director and President, delivers a speech

Participating leaders visit the exhibition hall

Participating leaders take a group photo
