News Detail

Flavor Your Life

Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Organized an Internal Human Resources Exchange Meeting


On the afternoon of July 23rd, the internal human resources meeting of Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) was held as scheduled. All the staff of the HR Department of the Company’s headquarters, the heads of HR Departments of its subordinate enterprises and relevant personnel attended the meeting through the on-site or conference system of Ding Talk.

First of all, Ms. CHEN Jing, Director of HR Department of Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd., explained the necessity and convening form of the meeting and introduced the two main topics of the meeting.

In the first topic, JIANG Shuiyao, GONG Yiming, and ZHAO Hongdan of the HR Department of the headquarters gave a sharing introduction to the process specification, the overall recruitment plan and recruitment system application of the school recruitment in 2020, as well as the new employee orientation training practice respectively. JIANG Shuiyao demonstrated the non-standard process encountered in the work, analyzed and summarized the common problems, and explained the correct operation mode for everyone to improve the process efficiency in the future work. GONG Yiming made preliminary planning and introduction on how to solve the demand of school recruiting in 2020 and introduced the solution of the talent pool sharing in the recruitment system. ZHAO Hongdan shared the practice of combining M-learning with the orientation training for new employees.

In the second topic, the HR heads of the subordinate enterprises made reports on the key work in the second half of the year. Mr. CHEN made a key analysis and response to the individual and common problems in the HR work of the subordinate enterprises.

Although the meeting was short, the content was rich and compact, which not only summed up the experience but also gave directions and suggestions for the work in the second half of the year. Everyone said that some of the shared experience is very helpful and useful for their future work. They will actively learn from the experience and lessons, do a good job in the HR work in the second half of the year and accomplish various targets and tasks.
