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Chinese Ambassador in Botswana and His Delegation Visited F&G Africa


On May 30th, 2019, Ambassador ZHAO Yanbo, Counselor YANG Xunlei, and the Secretary HUANG Haixu of the Chinese Embassy in Botswana visited F&G Africa. Mr. ZHU Huawen, General Manager of F&G Africa, received and led the Ambassador ZHAO and his delegation to visit the factory, introduced the parent company of F&G Africa and hosted the symposium.

Ambassador ZHAO and his delegation drove all the way from Gaborone-Maun-Natta, which was more than 430 kilometers away from F&G, and arrived at the Company after 6 PM when the sun was setting. Although the road was far away and the journey was exhausted, Ambassador ZHAO and his team visited the laboratories, workshops, warehouses, and environmental protection facilities with great interest as soon as they arrived. They also inquired about the production process and technology, marketing and sales of the Company's products, and the number of the local employees and their skill levels.

General Manager ZHU Huawen (the left one) accompanied the Ambassador ZHAO Yanbo (the right one) to visit the laboratory of F&G Africa

Ambassador ZHAO (the first from left) and his delegation visited the workshop accompanied by General Manager ZHU Huawen (the first from right).

Later, Ambassador ZHAO and his delegation, the representatives of the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Francistown and the middle and senior management of F&G had a cordial and friendly discussion together. General Manager Zhu extended a warm welcome to Ambassador ZHAO and his delegation, and expressed F&G’s sincere gratitude to Ambassador ZHAO for his concern and support for Chinese enterprises, especially for the development of F&G. Then, Mr. ZHU gave a detailed and enthusiastic explanation of the Company's business philosophy, operation, corporate culture, social responsibility, localization strategy, and honors.

The Symposium Site

In their subsequent speeches, Ambassador ZHAO and Counselor YANG fully affirmed F&G's contribution to Botswana's economic and social development and employment as a private Chinese-funded manufacturing enterprise, which set a far-reaching example for other Chinese-funded enterprises in Botswana. At the same time, he appreciated the harmonious relationship between F&G and the local government, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and the medical team to Botswana. They maintained close contact, mutual support, and great cooperation. He encouraged F&G to continue to be the most popular company in Botswana and contribute to the promotion of Sino-Botswana bilateral relations.

Group photo of leaders and guests at the meeting

Under the guidance of the national strategy “The Belt and Road Initiative”, with the support and guidance of the local government and the Chinese Embassy in Botswana, the F&G in Africa will become bigger and stronger under the unified leadership of the parent company with the care and help of the local Chinese Chamber of Commerce and friends from all walks of life, contributing to the local economic development, contributing to the long-term friendship between China and Botswana, and contributing to the smooth progress of the “The Belt and Road Initiative” strategy.

