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Flavor Your Life

Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co.,Ltd. Participated in the Event of "Collective Reception Day for Investors of Listed Companies in 2019 and Visit to SSE Paid by Senior Managers of Tibet Capital Market"


Ms. Yuan Xiaoqin participated in the event of collective reception day for investors

On May 20th, 2019, Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) participated in the event of “Collective Reception Day for Investors of Listed Companies in 2019 and Visit Paid to Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) by Senior Managers of Tibet Capital Market”, which was sponsored by the Tibet Regulatory Authority of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and supported by Securities Industry Association of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the SSE INFONET LTD and Shenzhen Panorama Network Co., Ltd. Mr. Yuan Xiaoqin, Director and President of the Company and Mr. Hu Wei, Vice President Secretary of the Board of Directors, and Mr. Wang Dehua, Chief Financial Officer attended this event.

Ms. Yuan Xiaoqin and Mr. Hu Wei took the group photo with the staff

Company executives communicated with investors in online forms such as the website, focused on the issues of common concern such the 2018 annual report, corporate governance, development strategy, business conditions, etc. and responded to the investors. Through this event, the Company has strengthened communication with a range of investors, which was conducive to improving the Company's transparency and investors' perception and understanding of the Company.
